Building a Bright Team

If you’ve been following our work over the past few years, you already know that the Juice Media team is excellent at coaxing the magic out of everyday experiences. You might see a vineyard like any other. We see a playground of artistic decisions; the vintages yet to come and the stories that will be told around it. You might see an office building, but we see the hard work and passion contained behind that network of uniform cubicles.

Meet Taylor & Syfan

You may not know that the local world of specialty structural engineering is full of bright smiles, cutting-edge thinkers, and grand aspirations. The folks at Taylor and Syfan in San Luis Obispo aren’t just incredibly razor-sharp and fantastically skilled at their jobs. They’re also incredible humans with a united vision to share with the world. We are proud to craft and share that story with custom visual gusto!

The Juice team was truly honored to showcase the warmth, excitement, and feel-good vibe of this local company’s culture with two heartfelt videos up now at Click here to see our stirring recruitment video and here for the energetic, engaging video displayed at the company’s homepage. Take it from us—these people are the true wizards of design. We applaud them.
